File Manager 3 (aka FM3) builds basic automatic file management into your program. It is designed to be a part of your application, not a separate utility. FM3 supports a growing number of file drivers and backend databases. FM3 also supports data conversion between file drivers.
Supported Databases:
- Btrieve (Pervasive - but not SQL - i.e. Scalable is not supported)
- Clarion (dat files)
- TopSpeed (tps files)
- MSSQL (SQL Server)
- Oracle
- SQLAnywhere
- ODBC: (currently limited to MSSQL, ORACLE, MySQL (2 and 3), Firebird, PostgreSQL*)
- SoftVelocity's IP Driver (IPD)
- AutoUp : Automatically upgrade files. No more Error 47
- AutoBuild : Include Runtime File Management in your application
- AutoNet : Copy updated program files across a network
- AutoFix : Integrate your app with TpsFix
- Includes the C-Scan utility for scanning TPS files and UpgView for monitoring and reporting on the Upg file
- Includes the stand alone Bulk Dictionary Editor - makes converting from TopSpeed to SQL a breeze!
- Converts from TPS to SQL file drivers, including copying the data to the new file
- Case-sensitive and case-insensitive SQL backends
- SQL specific data structures, such as date and time structures, null inserts etc.